The map legend

Coloring features on the map manually, or according to data values

About quantiles
Quantiles are numeric ranges chosen such that they each represent an equal number of observations

Increasing or decreasing the number of colors that represent the values of variables
Features with numeric values in the same range or quantile can be assigned the same color

Changing the paint colors
Features can be painted with any color in the rainbow

Coloring map features according to the value of a data variable or computed variable
Features with numeric values in the same range or quantile can be assigned the same color

Coloring map features according to the value of a text variable
Features with the same text value can be assigned the same color

Changing the numeric range assigned to each color when coloring with data variables or computed variables
Use custom ranges when coloring by data instead of quantiles

Increasing or decreasing the number of paint colors
Magic Maps supports up to 20 paint colors on a map

Renaming the paint colors
Give custom names to the paint colors

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